Monday, February 9, 2009

I bought this bedspread and sheets from Vermont Country Store. I thought they'd be pretty in either house.
The latest is we still might still buy the beach house. The hold-up is with some tax questions that still have to be ironed out. Anyway I'm keeping my hopes up. I do not like uncertainty. It makes me a little crazy. My plan for now is to get the Riverside house ready to rent. That means yard sales, new paint, pergo floors and new carpet.
Have a great Monday! Hugs, Susan


Nola said...

I love that bedspread. It looks like one that would be on my grandmother's bed back in 1960! I love chenille!

Justabeachkat said...


I'm so sorry things have become "iffy". I'm like you...I don't like the unsettled feeling of not knowing what will happen. It's easier said than done, but try to put it in God's hand and be patient. I'm wishing good thoughts for you.
