Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Red Cowboy Hat

I'm feeling like "Meekie" this morning. I'd just like to kick back but I've got lots to do. She is a Queen afterall and I'm not. Before I get started I want to show you the red hat I got. We're going to the "Brandin' Iron" in San Bernardino and do some line dancing in May. So I had to get a cowboy hat. This cutie just came in the mail yesterday.

The pictures are from the catalog.
It has embroidered roses and sequin accents. When I have the rest of my outfit figured out and on me, I'll take pictures.
Have a great Day!
Hugs, Susan


Lucy Bloom said...

Meekie looks so cute, isn't it great to be a cat! Love the hat too, have fun,
Lucy x

Nola said...

Oh, I love to line dance! I got hooked back when "Achey Breaky Heart" was all the rage! It was good exercise and lots of fun, but like the song says, I "don't get around much anymore", too bad.

Melissa said...


You are an angel on Earth.

Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts.

Love Melissa