Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday at the Movies

I just saw this last night at the movies (I'm a little slow on the uptake). I wanted to see it in the theater before it was gone. I'm not exactly recommending it...because it really deserves it's R rating for sex, drugs and rock'n roll. The wrestling action was brutal at times. This would be a great movie even if a lot of the "R" stuff wasn't in it. Mickey Rourke deserves all the excellent reviews for his performance. I was crying at times because he really did such a great job.
I'm really liberal but I think this movie would have been just as good or better with a little restraint on the R stuff because some people won't see it because of that. And that's kind of a shame. Really all the actors were good and the story was very touching.

Hugs for Monday!


Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Thanks for the review. I have wondered about this movie. I know that Micky Rourke is a great actor...not sure about his new image but it's his business. Too much of the R stuff kind of gets to me, and I avoid it when I can. Especially when it isn't necessary. Out Of Africa, one of my favorite film is the sort of film that I thought perfect.
But.. :) that's just me.
GREAT review! And thanks! Come see me some time.. :)
Take care and enjoy your day.
(oh..before I forget..are you still moving? I know I read once that you were house hunting.)

Melissa said...


Thank you so much for your kind words. They mean a lot to me.

Hope you are having a great week.


Attic Clutter said...

HI Susan..
OH MY ~sounds alittle 'R'
rough for me too..I like em smooth and easy to go down(:)
The OKA Sandals (:) OH good for you girl .I am gonna call around town first just to see if they have any and see what the local prices are..THEY are just so darling and look really comfortable ~!!

Have a good night OK(:)

j said...

Point well made about the R stuff - that would keep me from watching it. I always gravitate toward light comedies and family flicks. But your review was well written.

I hope you have a wonderful Easter!

SweetAnnee said...

Oh I had heard about this one. I will prolly watch it despite the adult content.
I love Micky Rourke...when he left Hollywood for a bit, he was a fighter..that was his passion.

He really wasn't a drunk nor an addict..just a guy who could act, didn't want the spotlight and
got his face beat up when he went into the ring.

SNOW WHITE.. I am she, and I love the idea