Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday at the Movies

This weekend I watched some of the old Agatha Christie Miss Marple movies on DVD. I borrowed them from Caren. These are so fun...just to look at the villages, hotels, manor houses and cottages.
I loved that Miss Marple wore the same hat in different fabrics and colors. I'm really into wearing hats now. I want to bring back that trend.
I also am dying (Ha, Ha) to go to England after watching these. I love the countryside and the flowers and the villages. My kind of place!
Hugs, Susan


Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

I loooove to watch Miss Marple on PBS and mostly to peek inside the homes and view the English countryside.
and I just pulled out two hat boxes filled with hats I used to wear...I really wish they would come back into fashion.


Justabeachkat said...

I've never seen any of the Miss Marple shows, but I KNOW I'd love them. Maybe our library has some...I'll have to look.


Mary said...

Great shows, and much of the loveliness of the English countryside is shown. I need to see these again.