Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My New Dishes

These are my new cottage style dishes that I ordered from Montgomery Ward. I love them. The plates, bowls and mugs are huge! They are really sturdy and in pretty colors. The pink is pink not coral and the lavender in kind of a periwinkle color. I think they'd go at the beach house if we ever move.

I have no idea why we aren't moving. It's just frustrating to me to not have a real reason...just "I don't know." It's like talking to a wall. Why would you say you want to do something and then not do it? It makes no sense to me. Sorry I have to vent. Right now I'm just doing what I can to make myself my life as best I can. "My house" is still available but for how long?

Hope you're having a good day...
Hugs, Susan


Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Susan..I so completely understand. I think many men are like that...IF it's the man in your life that is dragging his feet! I think they get overwhelmed. The familiar is to them...
Anyway...I must tell you that the HOUSE tour is on the 15th. We already have our tickets...perhaps I'll run into you. :) Your dishes are very cottage..and VERY cute!

joyh82 said...

what sweet dishes. We don't have montgomery ward around here anymore...sigh.

BittersweetPunkin said...

Your dishes are the colors.

Nola said...

We lost our Montgomery Wards a while back, too; I didn't know there were any left. We used to be silly and call it "Monkey Wards", did anyone else do that? The dishes are so cute, they'd go with just about any decor.