Thursday, January 15, 2009

In Honor of our Friends

My friend Margaret sent me this. I'd like to pass it on to anyone who would like to have it. This is in honor of our women friends who help us, support us, love us and just make life better because they are there for us. I am so very blessed to have good friends who love me in spite of my eccentricities. So thanks to all my blogland friends and my walking around life friends, too.
Hugs, Susan


Justabeachkat said...

Congrats on the award and thank you for being my friend. Friends do indeed make the world go around.


Mimi's Rose Chenille Boutique said...

What a wonderful award! Friends are very special and we wouldn't be who we are, without them! Thanks for the image, I am going to grab it and pass it on to my friends!

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