Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I keep seeing this on different blogs lately. It really fits me right now. It seems like everything is uncertain and unplanned at the moment. I love changes as long as I'm the one making them and I have total control. Is that too much to ask? It seems like all the changes depend on others but are affecting me. So what do I do? I can only control myself. I don't like being the one who is waiting for others to make up their minds. I know what I want but I'm not sure how to go about getting it. I'm not the only one feeling this way, I know. I also don't want to create problems where there really aren't any. Uncertainty makes me uncomfortable!

I did well at Weight Watchers. I went to the meeting and have lost 4 pounds. I also feel better already. A week and one half and I have more energy!

Hugs to everybody! Susan


Mimi Sue said...

I like that saying a lot. Very English. Didn't that come from one of the World Wars? Mimi

Justabeachkat said...

Good for you...4 pounds is 4 pounds. That's what I keep telling myself about my 5 pounds. Let's keep it up.

I know what you mean about feeling like someone else has control. I don't like it...one.little.bit. Hang in there.


Joanne Kennedy said...

Four pounds is WONDERFUL! Just think of 4 pounds of butter. Pure fat that you lost! Way to go! I'm proud of you.

I'm also proud of you for eating 1/2 of your steak and counting your points for everything you eat. Just remember there is no bad food. It's all about calories in being less then calories burned off.

As long as you keep track of your food it doesn't matter what you eat. So enjoy your cookies without the guilt.


^..^Corgidogmama said...

Hi Susan, I'm glad that you're doing so well. I think it helps to weigh in with the online group. I'm following WW somewhat, using points.
I hope that this week wasn't a fluke, and I gain it all back next week. It's a day by day thing, and being snowbound is murder...I want to munch the day through! See less of you next week!

Nola said...

I've been noticing it too. I thought it might be a special message for me, since I could sure benefit from staying calm. I was thinking of copying it and using it as a logo on my blog! It was a Churchill saying in WWII, right?
Good going at WW; I am a backsliding lifetime member of over 20 years. I will soon be going back, too.

Rhondi said...

Hi Susan
I'm glad to hear you lost 4 pounds and already can notice a difference in how you feel. Keep up the good work.
Hugs, Rhondi