Monday, December 1, 2008


This is our new little girl, Pepper. She adopted us about a month ago. She came into our back yard. She looked so hungry and scrawny. Of course I had to feed her and give her water and she purred really loudly. That was it. She knew she had a new home. She went off to the vet to make sure she was well. She was in perfect health just really skinny.

Now she is very feisty and plays almost constantly. Max, Meekie and Chloe are not amused. Jake loves her though. She loves him, too. I think they'll be great playmates when she gets a little bigger.

Jake has a playpen that he stays in when we're not playing with him or he's not outside. He has his bed, toys, food and water in there. Pepper plays with him through the mesh and walks around of the top of the pen using it like a tightrope. He jumps up, wagging his tail. He doesn't realize he could jump out if he wanted to. They've been together in the yard for short supervised visits. Pepper doesn't like it if Jake runs toward her too fast. He doesn't chase our other cats but he tries to get them to chase him. He just wants to play. The older cats aren't much into play. They mostly just lay around and look at him like he's crazy. He has high hopes for Pepper, though. She does like to run around.


The Muse said...

Here is a lovely Christmas prose...
"The Unexpected Gift"
I hope it helps you treasure your family this season...
(it is my latest work)

Thank you and many blessings...I really am happy to have found your blog :)love the pet pics!

Nola said...

I love Pepper, such an adorable face. I brought a Dachshund puppy (Chili) into a home with 5 (FIVE) cats. He's been here one month, and we are all still adjusting. They want to play, but cats and dogs just play so differently. I think in time they will all be friends, but for now...never a dull moment!

Joanne Kennedy said...

Oh Pepper is darling. That is how I got my last cat. Sometimes our pets pick us and we have nothing to do with it.

How cute your dog and cat play together. Just goes to show we can have those we think are our enemy turn into our best friends.


Mimi Sue said...

We've had cats that have picked us as their family too. They usually make the best pets, I think. Loved those Balboa Island houses. When you move into one let me know, I'd like to come over for lunch. Mimi

Cottage Contessa said...

Susan sweetie this post really made me laugh! Reminds me so much of pet life at our place too! lol
Wishing you a wonderful day!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

Justabeachkat said...

What a cutie pie! And pepper is the perfect name too.

I'm so glad you left a comment. I somehow lost you for awhile from my list?!! Not sure how...just glad I found you again. I've got you back on my blog list and sound :-)
