Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday time again! I have so much to be thankful for and I have no excuse for a bad attitude. I've been letting myself get in a rut. Not OK! We have so much...sometimes I feel overwhelmed taking care of stuff. Right now I'm trying to weed out and recycle and simplify. These are the things I'm thankful for (not in any order): Caren, my daughter; my friends, blogging friends; being able to live at the beach for a week; good health; music; laughter; some talents I need to stop wasting; a trip coming up to Savannah; my pets; all of God's beauty and about a million other things!

Time to get back to cleaning! Love ya!


Nola said...

You're right, children and your health are 2 biggies to be thankful for, there is no substitute or replacement for either!
Enjoy your upcoming trip!

Debra from Bungalow said...

I guess we alll could stand to take a moment & think about all our blessings. Thanks for the reminder.
Take care, DebraK

Melissa said...

Life is filled with simple blessings.

Savannah will be gorgeous. I can't wait to hear all about it.
