Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday Movie

I went to see "Righteous Kill" yesterday afternoon. It's fun to see Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro together again. I enjoyed it even though it's probably more of a "man's" movie: lots of action--no romance. Still I've loved Al Pacino since he was Michael Corleone. He was the best looking man. He had it...still does!
Looking good for 68.

Just wanted to say thank you to Melissa (long overdue) for this award. Her link is on my blog roll: "Sunbonnet Cottage." She has a wonderful blog. Please visit her and say "Hi."
My choices to receive this award (all are on my blog roll) are:
1. Jacaranda Cottage
2. My Little Cottage in the Making
3. Tales From an O.C. Cottage
4. Housepeepers
5. Equs Villa

All of the blogs on my roll are fun to read and they all deserve this award!
Hugs, Susan


Nola said...

What??? Al Pacino is 68, no way, no way! I am having heart failure, how can it be; has it been THAT long? Aw, man, how old does that make me???

Melissa said...


You are a sweetie for mentioning me.

Thank you.

I can't believe Al Pacino is 68. He looks great.


Melissa said...


You are a sweetie for mentioning me.

Thank you.

I can't believe Al Pacino is 68. He looks great.


Cottage Contessa said...

Hi Susan sweetie! Just catching up on your blog, things have been so crazy here since John's accident, but I want to thank you for your thoughts and prayers for him. I really appreciate them a lot. It sounds like you had a fantastic time away, what a shame you weren't able to get photo's, but at least you have the memories! Congratulations on your award Susan, and thank you so much for wanting to share it with me too! I am honoured! Wishing you a wonderful week my dear friend!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

LOL oh my it is hard to believe he is fair that men get better looking.


Joanne Kennedy said...


Thanks for the award! So sweet of you!

Also, thanks for the movie review. I've been wondering if I should go see it or not. I love both of them. Together they make great movies.

Hey, we can shopping when I get home from my cruise. To busy right now getting ready and trying to get everything done before I go. I have another shop you may not have known about that is fun too.

Is weekends better or is week days ok? Email me and let me know.
