Monday, August 4, 2008

If I Am Missing or Dead

I stayed up all night reading this touching book. It is excellent. I couldn't put it down. It's the story or two sisters and their relationships with each other, men and family. Every woman will recognize herself somewhere in the book. I know the title sounds a little morbid but it is a "must read."


Joanne Kennedy said...

Oh I love a good book. I'm going to have to go look for that one at the book stores.

Thanks for the tip.

Hey, any plans to come back down this way anytime soon? Would love to meet up.


Cottage Contessa said...

Thanks for sharing Susan, I will have to check this out of the library and let my mum and sister know about it too as it sounds like something they would like. Wishing you a wonderful week sweetie!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

Melissa said...

Sounds like an interesting book.

It also sounds perfect for summer reading.

Happy Tuesday!


Susie Q said...

It souunds wonderful! i will have to check it out. Perfect for the last days of Summer!
I canme here via Janet's blog and have enjoyed the visit!
