Friday, August 22, 2008

Thankful Thursday (a little late)

This is so like me to be late. Our family is kind of notorious for running late. So here I am coming in on Friday. Every day I am thankful for so many things.

Today I was thinking about my health. Last fall I was having a hard time with some minor things. I had tendonitis in my shoulder and I couldn't raise my arm. It was really painful but really nothing like some people have suffered through. Then I had a bad kidney infection which did scare me. That was kind of serious. BUT now I am blessed with good health.

So thank you God that I am well and life is looking good!


Screaming Meme said...

screaming meme said...
You don't need a niche! Get creative...a window,a wall...It would be cute in alot of places!
Here's the message I left you don't have mosey on over to my post! :) I like to make life easy! :)

The Southern Mom said...

Better late than never! Glad you're well and happy!

Joanne Kennedy said...

They say if you have your health then you have everything. Without good health nothing else really matters.

I'm happy you are doing well.


Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

Oh Hello ! We take so much for granted...well I know I do. I am so thankful for my health and when something does go wrong it just makes me even more thankful because it could always be worse.

Here's wishing you glowing health and happiness !