Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pay It Forward

Hi, This post really doesn't have to do with Kevin Spacey. I do like him but this post is about a blogging exchange I learned about from Joanne at My Little Cottage in the Making. It's based on the movie "Pay It Forward."

This is how it works. I'm going to send something to the first three people who comment on this post. Then those three people promise to send something to the first three who comment on their posts and so on and so on. The something can be anything you bought, were given, found or made.

If you want to join the fun...Please leave a message and then post about the giveaway on your blog. Then send something to the first three who sign up. Sounds simple and fun!

Huggies to you, Susan


Joanne Kennedy said...

Wow! You got right on this! Good for you!

Thanks for joining in.

Just email me your address and I promise to send you something soon. It's going to take a little while for me to finish though. But be keeping an eye out.

My email is

Big hugs,

Gone said...

Boy...this does sound like fun! Count me in!!!


I'll do my post tonite, when I'm at home!

Screaming Meme said...

How fun! I love it! Add me in the fun! Oh, and thank you for the warm welcome....I might need your help learning the ropes on blogger! Love ,Meme

Lorie said...

i love this movie and this idea-I know you had three already but can I copy your idea and spread it- I will be coming back to read your blog again!
Be blessed!

Julie said...

Yes, I was afraid to comment! I owe something artistic to six people. Of course, I have not received my PIFs either! "The best laid plans..."