Sunday, September 6, 2009

Aquarium of the Pacific

Sunday I went to the Aquarium of the Pacific with some Meetup Friends. This is the Inland Empire Travel group. I'm in the black and white top. We checked out the Aquarium and had lunch at Bubba's Shrimp across the street. Nancy (in green) is our fearless leader and planning lots of trips for us to take. I really enjoyed the Aquarium esp. petting the sharks!

Have a great Holiday!
Hugs, Susan


Justabeachkat said...

Cute photo! Petting sharks? Yikes!


Julie said...

Hey Susan. I am just now getting around to visiting blogs. Thank you for keeping up with me during my recovery. The pain kept me from sitting at my desk for long..and the meds made it hard to read and concentrate...can't wait to get back to normal!

I LOVE aquariums!!

Joanne Kennedy said...

You always have so much fun. What a great group for you to have there. Wish we had something like that here. I would join in a flash.
