Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tomkats Grille

This is Tomkats Grille in Koloa ( I think Koloa...I can't find my guide book). Anyway it's a great place for sandwiches. Two actual cats reside there.
This guy walked around trying to get a taste from the diners.

This is Snowball. She slept under my feet the whole time we were there. My mission was to get Caren a T-shirt from there which couldn't be accomplished because they were all out of pretty colors. So I got her a pretty purple one in Hanalei.
Lots of Hugs, Susan


Julie said...

I have gone back and forth looking at all of your wonderful vacation pictures and OMG...I wanna go there too!!! Each was more beautiful than the last one!!!!!

Nola said...

I'll bet those are some well fed cats! I miss my own critters when I'm vacationing, what a comfort to have one at your feet!