Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Have a very Happy and Safe Halloween!

Hugs, Susan


Mom2fur said...

Oh, my gosh, I so have to post a photo of Shadow in costume. He's a chihuahua, too, and looks a lot like Jake!
I saw your comment at Country Romance from the Heart about how your grandma made homemade treats for kids in the neighborhood. How lucky to live back then, when you didn't fear giving or getting homemade goodies! My mom used to pop tons of popcorn and bag it up for the kids! They looked forward to it every year. Mom's 85 now, and it's been a long time since she did the popcorn thing, but it holds great memories.
You enjoy your Halloween, too!

The Southern Mom said...

Happy Halloween to you too!

Nola said...

I love your vintage card, how precious!

Mom2fur said...

I can see the 'half-doxie' in Jake, but I'm guessing there's a lot of chihuahua in him, too. He's adorable.

Nola said...

Off topic, but...
You've been given the Marie Antoinette Award, stop by my blog to pick it up when you have time!
Also, I downloaded a Will Donato album on ITunes, and it is wonderful! They didn't have the newest one available for download, but I will get it eventually. His music is sooooo mellow, I love it!